Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center
P.O. Box 6248
Dearborn, MI 48121
retUrning the SeatS to the UPright PoSition FroM the
FUllY-loWered Floor PoSition
IMPORTANT: Before folding the second row seats, ensure that the head restraints are fully flipped
down by pulling on the strap and that all items have been removed from the floor and off the seats.
1-800-392-3673 (FORD)
(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)
FUel tank CaPaCitY Your vehicle’s fuel tank can accommodate 28 gallons (106L) of gasoline.
(Expedition EL accommodates 33.5 gallons (126.8L) of gasoline.) Your vehicle is designed to use
“Regular” unleaded gasoline with a pump (R+M)/2 octane rating of 87 for optimum performance.
The use of gasoline with lower octane ratings may degrade performance.
The seatback cannot be returned to the upright position until the seat
is returned from the kneel-down position. To return the seat to the
upright position, lift and pull the seat rearward until the latch is fully
engaged. Do not attempt to unlatch the rear floor hooks while the seat
is in the kneel-down position.
entering the third roW Seat
Fold head restraint forward (Pos. 1). Pull up on the lever (lever 1) located on the side of either
outboard second row seat until the seatback folds forward to the seat cushion (Pos. 2). Pull lever
fully upward (lever 1). The seat will then flip forward (Pos. 3).
tire PreSSUre Your tire pressure is properly set at the dealership according to the recommended
specifications found on the Safety Compliance Certification Label or Tire Label located on the driver’s
door latch pillar or the edge of the driver’s door. Please check your tire pressure during routine
maintenance and seasonal changes and when the Tire Pressure Monitoring System warning indicator
With the seatback in the folded down position, lift up on the seatback.
This will allow the seatback to be lifted to the upright locked position.
is illuminated. Warning: Improperly inflated tires can affect vehicle handling and tire performance.
See “Additional Features” on the reverse side for more information on the TPMS.
This Quick Reference Guide is not intended
to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which
All information contained in this Quick Reference
Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We
FUSeS If electrical components in the vehicle are not working, a fuse may have blown. For more
information about changing a fuse, please consult your Owner’s Guide.
contains more detailed information concerning reserve the right to change features, operation
the features of your vehicle, as well as important and/or functionality of any vehicle specification
Folding the 20% Middle Seat (if
equipped) to a load Floor PoSition
FUel PUMP ShUt-oFF SWitCh After a collision, if the engine cranks but does not start, the fuel
pump shut-off switch may have to be reset. The switch is located in the left rear quarter trim panel,
near the liftgate, behind an access panel. For complete details on resetting the switch, please consult
your Owner’s Guide.
safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk
at any time. Your Ford dealer is the best source
of injury to you and your occupants. Please read for the most current information. For detailed
your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin operating and safety information, please consult
Pos. 1
Lever 1
Pos. 2
Pos. 3
To fold the seat, pull the lever (lever 3)
located on the seatback to release the
folding seat latch. With the latch released,
the seatback can be lowered into the
load floor position. A moderate force may
be required to move the seat forward
and down.
8 9
learning about your new vehicle and refer to the
appropriate chapters when questions arise.
your Owner’s Guide.
Changing the tireS If you get a flat tire while driving, do not apply the brake heavily. Instead,
gradually decrease your speed. Hold the steering wheel firmly and slowly move to a safe place on
the side of the road. Prior to jacking, hoisting or towing your vehicle, be sure to turn OFF the running
boards (if equipped) and the optional rear load leveling suspension. Never place your hand between
the extended running board and the vehicle. A moving running board may cause injury. Your vehicle
may be equipped with a conventional spare tire that is different in one or more of the following: type,
brand, size, speed rating and tread design. Your vehicle may be equipped with a spare wheel that may
not match the road wheels and is not equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) sensor.
1 Cd eJeCt Press and a
memory preset 1-6 to eject a
CD from a specific slot. Press
and hold to auto eject all CDs
present in the system.
6 Folder In folder mode,
press to access previous or
next folder on MP3 discs,
if available.
9 MenU Press this button
exiting the third roW Seat
when satellite radio mode is
active to access. Press OK to
enter into the SATELLITE RADIO
Fold head restraint forward (Pos. 4). Pull up on the strap located at the back of the second row
seat by the outboard side shield (Pull Strap). The seatback will fold forward to the cushion (Pos. 5).
Continue pulling up on the pull strap and the seat will flip forward (Pos. 6). To return the seat to the
upright position, push the seat down until it is latched to the floor strikers. Then, lift the seatback to
the upright position and flip the head restraint to the upright position.
MENU. Press
to cycle
retUrning the 20% Middle Seat to
the UPright PoSition FroM the FUllY-loWered Floor PoSition
Satellite radio FeatUreS
and ControlS (if equipped)
through the following options:
Category, Save Song, Delete
Song, Delete All Songs and
Enable Alerts/Disable Alerts.
For more information, please
consult your Owner’s Guide.
2 load Press LOAD and a
memory preset to load a
specific slot. Press and hold to
autoload up to six CDs.
To return the seat to the upright position, lift and pull the seatback until the seat latch is
fully engaged.
7 aUx Press repeatedly to cycle
through FES/DVD (if equipped),
SAT1, SAT2, SAT3 (satellite
radio mode if equipped), or
LINE IN (auxiliary audio mode
if equipped). Press AM/FM to
return to radio mode.
Location of the Spare tire and tooLS
3 aM/FM Press to select AM/
FM1/FM2 frequency band.
Spare Tire
Under the vehicle, just forward of the rear bumper
10 /ii ok (PlaY/PaUSe) This
control is operational in CD and
DVD mode (if equipped). When
a CD or DVD is playing in the
FES system, press this control
to play or pause the current
CD/DVD. The CD/DVD status
will display in the radio display.
4 Seek Press to access the
previous or next strong station,
CD track, previous/next channel
(if equipped with satellite radio),
previous/additional display text
or category.
Jack Tools and
Jacking Instructions
Under the access panel, located in the floor compartment behind the
third row seat
To open the power liftgate, push the button on the instrument panel (Figure a),
Satellite radio is available
only with a valid SIRIUS
radio subscription. Check
with your authorized dealer
for availability.
on your five-button key fob, or press the liftgate control button located
roadSide eMergenCieS To fully assist you if you should have a vehicle concern, Ford Motor
Company offers a complimentary roadside assistance program. This program is separate from the New
Vehicle Limited Warranty. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the New Vehicle
Limited Warranty period (U.S.) or Basic Warranty period (Canada). Roadside assistance will cover:
Pos. 4
Pull Strap
Pos. 5
Pos. 6
on the inside of the liftgate handle. To close, press and release the control located
in the left rear quarter panel (Figure b). Keep clear of the liftgate when operating
the rear switch.
5 text/SCan Press and hold
to hear a brief sampling of radio
stations or CD tracks. Press
again to stop. In CD/MP3 mode,
press and release to display
track title, artist name and
disc title.
ok: Use in various menu
Folding the oUtboard SeatbaCkS
to a load Floor PoSition – (reFer
to the iMPortant note above)
8 tUne/diSC SeleCtor In
radio mode, press to go up/
down the frequency band.
In menu mode, use to select
various settings. In CD/MP3
mode, press to select a
desired disc.
To open a manual liftgate, unlock the liftgate (with the power door locks or the
remote entry transmitter button) and push the outside liftgate control button on
the handle below the license plate. To close, make certain
the liftgate window is closed, and then push the liftgate
closed until it latches securely.
q Changing a flat tire
q Lockout assistance
q Jump-starts
q Limited fuel delivery
q Winch Out
Figure A
q Towing of your vehicle
SELECT MINS is displayed.
the hours/minutes.
To fold the seats to a load floor position,
lift the lever (lever 1) located on the
outboard side of the seat to release the
seatback. To lower the seat further to
the fully-lowered position for maximum
cargo capacity, locate (lever 2) on the
seatback. Pulling the lever releases the
seat into the kneel-down floor position.
roadSide aSSiStance centerS
SEEK to adjust
Phone Number
To unlatch the liftgate window, push the button (Figure C)
on the liftgate located to the left of the license plate.
United States
Do not open the liftgate or the liftgate window in a garage
or other enclosed area with a low ceiling.
Figure B
Figure C
October 2007
Second Printing
Quick Reference Guide
navigation SYSteM (if equipped) Please refer to the Navigation Supplement for more information
on the navigation system.
For complete details on any roadside assistance concern, please consult the Roadside Emergencies
chapter, or the Customer Assistance chapter in your Owner’s Guide.
Litho in U.S.A.
8L1J 19G217 AB
A moderate force may be required to move the seat forward and down.
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